My Language Portfolio [closed]

A blog? what's in a blog?? It started to be a simple language portfolio... who knows what it will became? This is the place where you can find everything from deep nonsense to nice thoughts. THIS WAS A LANGUAGE PORTFOLIO

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Still alive

it has been long since I've posted here! school has started already and I've finished my reading of the Tales of the Otori trilogy also. A great story it is and I hope they'll put it in the cinema, it would make a great movie.
As school goes on, I have more and more work to do... (I've just used the gradual increase!! that's what we've been speaking of, in the classes, the usage of so and such and other repeated grammar..)

welll... soon I'll return to posting, don't desperate! (and I'm sure you won't... lol)

Sunday, January 02, 2005


Across the Nightingale Floor by Lian Hearn

Search for Nightingale at
  1. A European songbird (Luscinia megarhynchos) with reddish-brown plumage, noted for the melodious song of the male at night during the breeding season.
  2. Any of various other nocturnal songbirds of the genus Luscinia.
[from Old English nihtegale : niht, night; see night + galan, to sing; ]

An epic story, passed in an imaginay country with names and traditions similar to Japonese Samurais. The battles between clans, the feudal territories, the quests of honour and the forbidden love makes you imagine a time that is no longer ours and stick on to the story of the hero and his lover, a orphan boy and a beautiful Lady, who helds a secret that none should know.

I enjoyed greatly the book and today, after finishing its reading, went to the libary and brought the next book of this trilogy, The Tales of The Otori.

Back to work

Well, first of all I have to wish you all a happy new year, may it be twice as good as 2004 was (or should have been). Hope you all had a cool time at the New Year's Eve!

I've been in the place where once was Expo'98 and saw the fireworks, which could have been much better.. I was expecting something much more spectacular! At midnight I was showered with Champaign by a guy that was near and opened his bottle, there were lots of people in there with Champaign bottles!

As 2005 starts, I think: What terrors will the world endure this year? Will we finally start acting with wisdom? Don't think so... I wish it would be and that should be what are to fight for, a better world with respect among all human beings, with love to nature and wisdom in our actions.
Nature has its own power as we all saw in the media, its terrible effect in Asia. Those people had nothing and now they have even less, please help them as you can. Click here to find out how in Austin's Blog, which has lots of information about the effects of the Indic Tsunami.
Here, in Portugal, the forecast is not really very encouraging, the government presented dismission, before the President did it himself. New elections are to come but, as someone said, the cards were just picked up to be mixed up again. The faces are the same, little has changed, and none of them seems to me good enough.

Now here I am, holidays have ended and tomorrow, as the sun rises, I'll be back to school, to endless work and tiredness, always waiting for the next holidays, in which I can rest and have more time to my own to think and read.