My Language Portfolio [closed]

A blog? what's in a blog?? It started to be a simple language portfolio... who knows what it will became? This is the place where you can find everything from deep nonsense to nice thoughts. THIS WAS A LANGUAGE PORTFOLIO

Thursday, March 17, 2005


CONSUMPTION is the major aim of our society, people make life projects based on consumption, they plan what they'll have, not what they'll do. People's dreams and judgements are based on material possessions and images.
Everywhere there are appeals to consumption, just as everywhere there are people consuming exaggeratedly, they buy because they see the advertisements, they buy because they're upset and want to free their minds, they buy a product because everyone has it, they buy for any reason, indeed. You can even find a paralytic guy buying a bicycle or a blind guy buying a picture dictionary...
Well, the worst is what happened in eBay, where someone offered 50€ to buy nothing!!
Christmas and Valentine's Day are an excellent example of consumerism in our society, they completely lost their original meaning to acquire a totally consumerist meaning. These days are the international days for shopping!
What's the point of a Valentine's Day?? Isn't it supposed for couples to love each other, be with each other and show that love to each other everyday of their relationship??
Media pressure people everytime, for any reason, to buy, to consume, and people subdue to this pressure. Both, people and advertisers should change and become more responsible, or otherwise our society is lost in the meaningless of the consumerism.


élou éveri-uane!
tudei ai éme gouing to uraite tu iu ase portuguize pipoul du.
Ai houpe iu anderstand uat ai am uraiting tu iu, bicose it is rili dificult tu du dis.
ai fil rili taired ofe uorquing, bicose dere is to mutxe uorque tu du, ivan ine dis laste wique. ui safare a lóte bicose titchars dõnte lete as live as ui diserve, its térribal tu bi a studant, âluais móre uorque, ande mére ivan. ai óte to quill maiself bicose of dis!! iu mai bi láfing bat iu xudente, bicose its sériase véri sériase!
du samefing tu hélpe ase!!! frii ase fróme dis préchâre!! dizmisse da titchars!!
ui uill voute suune, sou pai aténtchian tu ase.

(if you're portuguese just try to read it loud and decipher the test...)

bai da uai dis poust ise dedicaited tu mai diare frénd ande taibel pártener Sónia Moreira)

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

International Women's Day

It was 1875, when thousands of women workers from the New York garment industry marched into the streets, protesting against unfair wages, a 12-hour work day, and sexual harassment in the workplace. During this strike, there was a fire and 130 manifestants died.
In 1908, working conditions had not yet improved and women garment workers gathered again in another demonstration of their discontent, renewing their call for fair treatment and demanding the end of child labor. The women carried the slogan "Bread & Roses", for the economical wealthy and life quality. Still during this year, at March 8, women gathered in New York City to rally around the issue of women's suffrage. Later in this year, the American socialist party established the last Sunday of February as the International Women's Day, and so it was from 1909 to 1913.
In 1913, during the international assembly of socialists parties, Clara Zetkin proposed March 8 as the International Women's Day, and so it has been, year after year, until today.
Every year this day is celebrated in memory of those women who never stopped believing, who always fought for their beliefs and for those who suffered the cruelty and discrimination of our society. This day is celebrated to mark the importance of equality of rights in our society, and to remember our society that there is still much more to improve in order to have a fair society.
Today, in the twentieth-first century, we still see and know of lots of cases where women are discriminated, harassed or mistreated.
Let us never forget and fight against it.