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Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Think about it...

"When the last tree has fallen,
When the last river has dried
When the last fish is fished
You'll understand that money
\doesn't feed"

I have posted this verse so that you can think about it, it's a sad truth but man just think about collecting money, no matter what damages such attitude may have on the natural harmony and, consequently, on living creatures, including Men. I just hope that someday people will understand that there are much more important things than money, such as Life, Nature and Happiness.


  • At 4:10 AM, Blogger Goncalo said…

    Well, here is something for you to ponder...

    Usually, the countries where the environment is most harmed are also the poorest countries. Think the big iron smelters in China, open air mines in Africa, and deforestation in Brazil.

    Countries where the environment and wildlife are well protected are places like the US, Canada, Switzerland and Finland... So it does seem that economic progress actually frees people up from simply fighting for survival, and actually having the ability to make choices to improve the environment.

    Thinks like genetically modified foods, which greenpeace dislikes strongly, are actually going to help the environment in the next few years. By making farms more efficient, they will reduce the amount of farm land we need -- and allow some current farms to be returned to Nature.

    Think about it! Work hard, be prosperous, so you can make a difference!

  • At 12:10 AM, Blogger manuhell said…

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  • At 12:14 AM, Blogger manuhell said…

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  • At 12:19 AM, Blogger manuhell said…

    It's nothing that we shouldn't expect, poorest haven't enough means to develop ecological policies and probably most of those activities are explored by other enterprises, from richest countries, that don't develop required ecological policies, in poor countries, obtaining cheaper products. By the way, I'm really sure that aren't those poor countries the ones who consume the iron produced in such smelters, or the diamonds from Africa, or the trees from Brazil.
    I don't doubt that developed countries have specified areas of well protected environment or wildlife, but earth is collapsing because of pollution and US produces more than 40% of the world's waste, while they represent 8% of the world's population.
    People should seek an economical progress that respects nature and, only like that, we can have a better world.

    Anyway, I was speaking about people in the general, people don't look at nature as proposal for their actions but as a mean of reaching what they want, don't respecting it. People, nowadays, give to much importance to money, too many times don't thinking in what their doing just to obtain even more money. And that's why our society is decaying.

    I didn’t speak about GM (Genetic Modified) food, maybe one of these days I'll post about it.
    There are surely advantages about GM food, but, as in everything, there are disadvantages, and Greenpeace, of course, tries to minimize it's negative impact on nature.

    Thanks for the comment and I'll wait for more comments.


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