My Language Portfolio [closed]

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Tuesday, November 02, 2004


First Democracies were born in Classic Greek and literally democracy means people''s authority and it's used to describe a government that's ruled by the majority of the people, by elections and other forms.
Called by many as the Greatest Democracy, USA is a democracy in which the President wasn't elected by the majority of the electors, a democracy in which every elections have an enormous number of meanless votes, a democracy in which electors votes do not have all the same importance. And yet, this democracy has a huge power on world and influences it's destiny too much.
The last years with Bush in the White House have been too harmful to the planet, the refuse to ratify the Kyoto Protocol, the moved-by-petroleum war in Iraq and it's disastrous results on making Iraq a "Free" country and consequences on world's economy, and all the internal retrocess in family's life and social affairs. But with all these problems Bush still found money to waste in arming, to improve security, when the truth is that world is today much more insecure then what it was 4 years ago when White House received it's new inhabitant.
So, for all the world, for us and for the future generations, let us hope that North American electors choose the right person. Let's hope that they'll Vote for difference, let us hope that Kerry will win these elections. A victory for Bush will mean a new mandate with more intense politics than those taken before, while Kerry will not make the same mistakes as Bush.


  • At 7:04 PM, Blogger The Red Wolf said…

    An excellent understanding and commentary about the terrible affect Bush has had on this country. Thank You!


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